Disease classification shell game... a time honored tradition. They really trademarked it with "polio" when they gave paralysis a bunch of new labels.

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Excellent sleuth work. This information is new to me. It is consistent with other vaccine issues. I had never even considered that measles and chicken pox were related to small pox in any form. Thanks for the information. I think these articles are extremely important!

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Really appreciate all your time in finding these news articles.

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The re-labeling game, perfected later with the invention of the AIDS umbrella term and now with the convid.

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These old newspaper clips are awesome. One from my area (Raleigh), which is actually troubling (coverup)…but everything in the mainstream media is captured (and it appears it has always been). The Monster don’t stop. Murdering the world is hard.

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Yes and I think digging through the archives. That one thing people should notice is... This is a time before TV and internet so news papers WERE the news. Mainstream. So the archives proves to us that they are lying today. Because noone is educated in the true history. Not in public or private schools. Not in universities. Not in med school... No-where! You have to find the information yourself.

That proves that it is intentional and that they are lying big time!

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