May 21Liked by Danni Møller

Great research. Thanks Danni!

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Ever since learning germ theory is bs I've been bugged by antibiotics. I was given them a lot as a kid and they seemed to do nothing helpful for things people call respiratory infections and such.

However, I have a close relative with severe dementia. He's too far gone to know what concoction of drugs he's taking on any given day for the myriad of issues he has, so no placebo effect can be at play for a recent experience. He had a wound on his leg that just wouldn't heal on its own, it had been weeks. He was started on antibiotics. It healed almost overnight. I'm not saying abs are a good idea, I don't personally take them, but I don't think they're placebo either (though I acknowledge that will be enhancing perception of their effectiveness). Suppression maybe? Something else? Don't know, but I'm curious.

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I've heard these stories also from animals. The thing is most of antibiotics is made from the byproduct of later stages of bacteria / fungi. At that stage it is toxic to our tissue and microbes. We don't really know if theres anything in it affecting the brain also. And suppression like you say. If for instance like someone wrote. You have a sneezing cat and every time you give it antibiotics the sneezing and coughing stops. Antibiotics will give the body a chok. Kill the microbes and acute poison your liver and kidneys. So now the body has bigger problems than the irritation it was trying to excrete through the lungs. So it would seem like you helped the cat but you never really looked for the cause of the first problem and then try the quick fix from the snake-oil doctors. So there's some unanswered questions here. Because they don't do this kind of research.

But we can read and understand all studies and experiments. Which all tell us that bacteria do not cause disease. Decaying tissue always precedes the development of bacteria. Contagion does not exist. Viruses do not exist.

So it kills the scavenger work in your body. Part of the healing. If the body is still poisoned in that area and the wound just closes over it? Guess it depends on what the true cause of the problem was.

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I agree bacteria are the clean up crew, not the problem. I also agree abs are likely driving symptoms deeper. Toxic accumulation of all manner are about (chemical, EMF, mold, lack of sunlight, poor hydration/ diet leading to body waste back up etc.) and require identifying and eliminating. I don't personally use abs, but I do understand their use in my elderly relative. Said relative is heavily toxified, frail, very elderly, abs make sense for an imminent threat to their life (wounds like that can go south quickly) in their case as their body is too damaged to withstand the purge required for the body to return to health.

It's an attitude shift, from "how do I stop my body doing this?" to "how do I deal to the reason my body needs to do this?"

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When I first discovered Germ Theory was quackery, I was strongly anti-pharmaceutical and horrified by antibiotics. But as life in this hell would have it, one of my cats became disturbed by increasing snottiness and sneezing to the point she couldn't eat or drink without sneezing. Her eyes were runny & sore looking and she was not her happy self. Natural remedies did not help. Her breath smelled like ammonia. It was becoming desperate. We relented and gave her some antibiotics -- the snottiness & sneezing disappeared within 24 hours. She had been snotty for at least 6 months with no treatments. We have followed up with an OTC called Flumax which seems to be helping.

Based on my experience with nearly drowning in my own snot, and my cat's experience, I have to say we are embarrassed to be grateful for the antibiotics that cleared up our conditions. I note that in your article one of the pieces quoted mentioned that antibiotics should not be used for non-severe pneumonia, and thus the implication is that they would be helpful for severe pneumonia.

There is cell death or tissue death in the lungs or sinus passages. Bacteria appear as janitors to clean up the dead cells & tissue. Their excrement irritates and inflames nearby living cells & tissue and the body reacts with mucus. Sometimes the abundance of mucus is seriously problematic.

It comes down to being principled or being practical. Being principled, I and my cat would have drowned or choked to death (so to speak) on our own snot if we hadn't been practical and took the antibiotics which killed some of the bacteria and reduced the amount of their irritating excrement and thus the mucus production.

My advice to myself and my family is that if we think we need something like antibiotics we reach for a natural remedy first, and if we can't find one or the ones we try do not help, then we go for the antibiotics.

Health, illness & medicine, as one subject, has always been a guess and a gamble. There is virtually no science to health. Science deals with objectivity and yet humans are subjective creatures, and so it stands to reason that our health is unique & subjective & personal. Science, in a way, pretends to study a body and then apply what it has learned to all bodies -- and that's obviously a very wrong thing to do. Each of us has a unique biochemistry because each of us has a unique psychological system and a unique diet & lifestyle. Our bodies are as unique as our personalities.

Everyone's lifestory is unique. No two stories or lives are the same. And yet, all end in death -- a death that can happen at any moment anywhere to anyone. Most deaths, if not instant, often seem to be messy & painful, and for this reason we say "it all ends in tears here for most of us". There is obviously no proper or right or correct way to live that will prevent a messy & painful end to our temporary lives in this physical, fleshy world.

Definition of POISON: Something that alters physiological processes.

Definition of MEDICINE: Something that alters physiological processes.

The difference between the two is DOSAGE.

Reaching for a natural remedy, a non-pharmaceutical, is still Symptom Suppression. And why are we suppressing the symptom? Presumably because it is painful or irritating. And do we ever find out what the cause was? Yea, sometimes we figure it out (like poison ivy or spoiled egg salad). Most of the time we don't. And nowadays we know that past causes attributed to "viruses" were bullshit and wrong, and thus they fall into the category of "I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE CAUSE WAS".

The best we can usually do is guess -- a guess based on what occurs to us in our thoughts and our intuition. Perhaps we only find out by avoiding what we think the cause was and see if we still come down with the same symptom(s).

But I see all illness & symptoms & injuries as having been predetermined & scheduled to happen no matter how good or right or healthy we try to live. Our so-called available choices & options are very limited in any given here & now. We can only react by what occurs to us in our thoughts, and we can only use a remedy that is within reach. There will always be a hundred thousand things that didn't occur to us and a hundred thousand remedies that were not in our reach.

I've seen seemingly healthy people die young, and I've seen pharma-gobbling unhealthy people live to the age of 91 without Alzheimer's or Parkinson's. There is no right way or wrong way to live this temporary life. There is only your way in the here & now. No one else's way matters. What works for them may not work for you, and vice versa. We can't control how our stories unfold and so, really, the ones you think are doing it wrong, or thinking wrong, can't help it. They can only do what occurs to them and only work with what is within their reach.

I sincerely hope you can avoid taking any synthetic remedies but who knows how your story is going to unfold? I got squeezed between a rock and a hard place >> let my cat die from ever-increasing abundant mucus production -- because it sure the fuck wasn't going away on its own after 6 months -- or go against my principles and take a gamble with antibiotics?

The vet called her condition "cat flu" but the other cats didn't "catch it". Who the fuck knows what caused her symptoms? 6 years of vaccinations? She's never had any meds or illness before. And yet the other cats got the same vaccinations and didn't develop "cat flu" -- but this means each body is unique and not all bodies respond the same way to the same toxins.

It's all a guess and a gamble. Always has been. Always will be. Big Pharma fooled us into believing there is actually something called "The Science of Health". But all that means is that they have reduced health to nothing but Chemistry -- no dietary, lifestyle, or psychological concerns are considered. They fooled us into believing one-size-fits-all Causes & Solutions. They pretended they could be objective with subjective biological bodies.

Chemistry >> a synthetic objective subject.

Biological bodies >> a natural subjective subject.

How well can the Synthetic ever hope to understand the Natural which it did not and cannot create from scratch?

How well can the Objective Black & White understand the murky, colorful Subjective?

Thanks for reading. I never have any idea what I am going to write nor how wordy these screeds will be. I appreciate your indulgence.

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