The tetanus vaccine is one of the most commonly used vaccines today. Used in both animals and humans, and several times over. One of the needles that also somewhat contradicts the germ theory and the idea of immunity. Because they give it repeatedly.
The official story and consensus today from WHO
First they give us some “key facts”. Notice and you will see this in general. They claim things in various articles but never give you scientific references. And if they do it will always be indirect methods, selective data analysis and estimates. They could tell you that it was caused by fairy dust and people would believe it, because they make billions on selling vaccines and medicine, so they would know, right?
For better understanding of the science and what I am about to show you I would recommend reading my article The Role Of Bacteria before you go on, if you haven’t done so already. Because this is key to understanding true science and biology and what these NGO’s and health institutions do and have done all the way through history.
To establish a baseline in science today like that a microbe causes disease. You will find very limited material examining it. Very few studies and experiments that either fail and are without scientific control experiments. Where they don't weight other possible variables. There are lots of inconsistencies. So very limited.
Then they assume it is established and true and can then create thousands of articles, studies and experiments on the assumption alone through indirect means and computer algorithms. They can create a bacterial culture which doesn’t prove the cause. They can create indirect methods like antibody tests that look for proteins which all living organisms are made of. They can calculate estimates in the computer. So massive amounts of data can be created from very weak evidence and assumptions.
This is true for every aspect of the germ-theory.
As described in The Role Of Bacteria, they ignore all evidence of spontaneous generation. Even though all their cultures and all living organisms around us prove it every single day. But they have to ignore and dismiss it to continue the needle empire.
On WIKI we can find a little history but again without real references. They will tell you that Arthur Nicolaier found the first connection between the Clostridium tetani bacilli and the symptoms again by injecting soil into animals. So injecting stuff into the blood and tissue of living organisms without even considering that you poison the healthy animal by doing so and could take any foreign material and inject it into the same area to create similar symptoms. Without doing proper controls and checking if just injecting foreign material into living organisms disturb the environment and cause the problems. The religion og germ-theory is so imprinted in most peoples minds that they completely miss the most obvious, rational and logical observations of their own experiments.
In a document from 1895 CEPHALIC TETANUS; GENERAL TETANUS ASSOCIATED WITH HEMIFACIAL PARALYSIS; RECOVERY we see references to some of these discrepancies and that they didn't really have the science down.
So Brunner could create the symptoms in animals from cultures with or without the bacilli. So it is not the bacilli. The poison will first damage the nerves and produce spasms locally and then the poisoning spreads to the surrounding area. If injected into the blood it wont create local spasms first but will circulate in the system untill it hits the heart, brain and nervous system. Sounds logical.
They couldn’t really determine exactly what from the decomposed rotten tissue created the symptoms. But just that the symptoms can be produced with or without the bacilli. But again. How about trying to inject other poisons into the same area not from a culture with the claimed bacilli?
And also consider the fact that these symptoms are not a specific entity but just a different stage intoxication that is very similar to other known so-called diseases. Like rabies or normal paralysis/polio, meningitis and so on.
Many doctors also recognized this in the past where they said that hydrophobia was merely a form of tetanus. And depending on the amount of poison in which areas and where the poison is circulated to you can express different symptoms. Logical, rational and constantly without inconsistencies, they could investigate these things if not for this tunnel vision from germ theory promoters! But they dont!
They want you to think that each symptom and each stage of toxemia is specific entity. A certain bacteria and after the fictional field virology came an imaginary particle.
It would be easy to prove and demonstrate these things if it wasn’t for the delusional idea of germ-theory. But they never did and they don’t do this today. So the basic science is never really settled before they go on producing vaccines and medicine.
But they will tell us that everything from a cut to a dog bite, gun wound, surgery, vaccination.. All these things can produce the same symptoms and they never consider that maybe it’s just foreign poisons in the tissue and blood reaching the brain and nervous system. Whatever the scenario that led to the symptoms, they always say there must have been spores from the bacteria present, without investigating and confirming it. Like I said before = Fairy dust!
I will now provide a compelling picture of what really caused the great tetanus epidemic of the past. Whether or not you as a reader belong to the germ theory religion, you should wonder and think about why all this information is suppressed today. Why no one is reporting on it when the media in the late 1800s and early 1900s was completely flooded with these cases! And consider that when vaccination is the main cause of the tetanus epidemic, how on earth can you make a vaccine to prevent the effects of vaccine poisoning! It's completely insane.
I’ll provide links to some but not all articles because my private archive is pretty big so I am not gonna go find every single article again. But will give the news paper, date and year.
Twice-a-week plain dealer, Nov 14, 1899:
First let’s put to rest that vaccination prevents anything even though this article is about just 1 of the many disturbing results of vaccination! That at the same time the devastating effects of vaccination outnumber any other so-called disease many times. That what we’ve all been told about history is a demonstrably psychotic and mass murderous lie!
And around these years we see the first cases of what they call tetanus and lockjaw. Because this is few years after they supposedly "proved" that these symptoms are caused by spores and toxins from a specific bacterium. So before this it was called something ells. Like rabies, hydrophobia, spasm and paralysis.
The Morning News, March, 1898
Keep in mind most of all the cases and articles are from smallpox vaccination, diphtheria, typhoid, anthrax… All kinds of pus and germinal matter which should have nothing to do with the specific bacteria they claim creates the toxins. They will just keep on claiming, without scientific evidence, that it's spores from that bacteria because they scratched the wound. impure serum with spores. It must be soil that got into the open wound. So all sorts of stories without any scientific foundation = fairy dust. To keep on vaccinating and making millions on mass-murder.
The San Francisco Call, Jan, 1899
11 year old boy killed. And they even tell us they try different remedies against blood poisoning, because thats exactly what it is!
Semi-Weekly Interior Journal, Jan, 1899
11 year old boy killed. Being investigated. By whom? The ones making millions on this? Lets see further ahead and we might see how thorough this investigation was!
Waterbury Democrat, Nov 16, 1901
Forth death from tetanus after vaccination. It’s because of all those germs in the air. Don’t worry about it. Rain will wash it all down and then the killing of the children will stop. Are you reading? You see they keep claiming the disproven fairy dust story. Murdering children, but ohh don’t worry about it!
San Francisco Call, Nov 19, 1901
7 killed and 2 in serious condition and the Board Of Health helds a meeting. Probably with some nice expensive wine from all these vaccination dollars.
New York Tribune, Nov 27, 1901
3 more killed. The Board Of Health believed the danger was over. Whaaaat? Didn’t the expensive wine meeting stop the vaccination spree? Guess not. Maybe a new meeting should be taking place here about all the dead children?
If you click the article above you’ll see more under this article. Smallpox scare. Smallpox outbreaks and 25000 railroad workers to be vaccinated. But this is 1901. They started mass-vaccination against smallpox in 1796 many places with strict vaccination laws. So clear evidence the practice of inoculation does not prevent anything but like I show here, mass-murdering innocent children.
Instead of stopping the mass murder of children and the endless flow of dollars from the vaccines. They start doing some damage control. Saying the smallpox vaccine have saved thousands of lives which according to statistics from over a 100 years at the time and the fact that they had been mass vaccinating 100 years with strict laws especially for school children and soldiers is a blatant lie!
The Abbeville Press and Banner, Dec, 1901
Parents are in panic. And this is the only thing the mass murderer respond to if you investigate true history. Because the population outnumber the mass-murderers many to one. So they’re affraid of the population. They have to disguise their mass-murdering stunt and pretend that it’s something they look into. Vaccination prohibited and the mass-murderers create a committee to investigate their own crimes. Maybe that will do the trick?
The Topeka State Journal, Nov, 1901
In this article, we also see that one of the cases was diagnosed as paralysis. Because the symptoms are close to each other and are just different stages of the exact same condition.
The Evening Journal, Dec 2, 1901
More damage control. So the vaccines are free from the germ never proven to have anything to do with the symptoms. Good to know. There are germs in the air so parents just have to calm down and wait for rain. It was constantly all over the news.
The Florence Daily Tribune, Feb, 1902
Waterbury Evening Democrat, May 7, 1902
This doctor takes a different angle and gets creative. Praises the boy's vitality and says it's a special case because he survived longer than many others who get tetanus from vaccination.
Waterbury Democrat, June, 1902
6 year old boy relieved but became deaf. Because again when the poison hits brain and nervous system a lot of different things can happen. There are also numerous reports on blindness and children needing glasses after vaccination.
The Minneapolis Journal, Dec 3, 1902
6 year old boy. Forced vaccination murder.
To get a full picture of the scale of this massive mass murder, it's important to constantly keep in mind how irrational and unrealistic all their assumptions and attempts are in the delusional germ-theory. It was proven years ago that the bacteria doesn't have to be present. That it is toxic decomposed tissue when it comes into contact with the nervous system. But they are still looking for bacteria and how much and where do they inject it into the guinea pig to disprove that the vaccine did not poison the blood, brain and nervous system of the poor boy?
The St. Louis Republic, March, 1902
This doctor tries to invent a new term tetany not having anything to do with germs for killing a 1 year 8 months old child.
Atlanta Semi Weekly, Oct, 1902
The Indianapolis Journal, Nov, 1903
Did not result from vaccination. Now spontaneos bioplasm is a thing a apparently. Deny deny deny, keep making dollars and murdering children.
The Republic, July, 1903
More damage control. Tetanus and children playing with toy pistols go hand in hand. Many of these claims and damage control is often in the news without author or comes from the health board themselves. Not people that do not make money on killing children. Not other real scientists. Not parents!
Jasper Indiana, Oct, 1903
Here is a respond to the damage control. And as I also go through in my article about syphilis and chickenpox there are numerous names for the same conditions. So sometimes to cover up that the smallpox vaccine didn’t prevent anything they would just diagnose the symptoms measles or chickenpox. And all these other symptoms are like the articles says just coincidence. Thousands die of lockjaw every year from toy pistol shot wounds. So you see, even though I have a lot of articles here, the scale of this mass murder by inoculation is hard to really understand. Yet the same children who refuse to get vaccinated keep on shooting toy pistols. Thats weird? No, not really. Because it was a lie. The vaccination is poisoning the innocent healthy children.
The Plymouth Tribune, June, 1905
Here they blame the child for scratching the vaccination wound. So there’s a lot of reasons why vaccination do not kill children when the only common denominator is vaccination.
The San Francisco Call, Sep, 1905
The San Francisco Call, Sep, 1905
It is puzzling to physicians evidently. Make money, kill babies, play dumb. I guess thats what they teach them in medical school.
Evening Times Republican, Sep, 1906
5 year old boy. Yes it’s their own fault. Wound just failed to heal. It’s not poisoning of the healthy innocent children with decaying rotten germinal matter. Everything ells but not that.
Grand Rapids Herald, May, 1908
The Bridgeport Evening Farmer, Sep, 1909
The Fargo and Daily Republican, Sep, 1910
There are some people that try to sue the board of education or board of health. But they never get to the root. It is organised mass murder and yes all people cooperating and following these regulations and rules are also mass murderers. Like the SS soldiers from second world war. They couldn’t do anything, they were just following orders, right? So it is the blind sheep following false leaders helping to ensure their own demise and genocide.
Everyone who votes does the same. Helping to keep the insane system and banking cartel running. A system only designed to suck wealth out of the population and keep them enslaved. But in this case all big foundations that finance the medical industry, all bankers that help them, all politicians, all vaccine manufacturers, health institutions, NGO’s all doctors and everyone trying to force someone to poison themselves or their children with vaccines should be executed and all their buildings burned to the ground and all their wealth distributed to everyone who suffered from their organised mass murder. I mean if this was a fair and just world ofcourse.
Newark Evening Star, May, 1911
The Guthrie Daily Leader, Oct, 1911
Newark Evening Star, Oct, 1911
The Bridgeport Evening Farmer, Jan, 1912
The Prescot Daily News, Oct, 1912
Here a teacher gets diagnosed after forced vaccination. And notice this when you look at all these articles or dig into the history yourself. All the cases only affect people where they had forced vaccination. So school children, teachers and soldiers. Schools and the military are the places where they for the longest period of time had compulsory vaccination.
The bankers make sure that the population needs to keep working and have to send the children to school for indoctrination. The medical institutions make sure people get sick and die. The weapon industry make sure wars keep raging and the government make sure they’re allowed to do so.
Newark Evening Star, Sep 1913
The Bridgeport Evening Farmer, Sep, 1913
Questions, questions. What could cause all these children to die. What in the world could it be?
South Bend News Times, Nov, 1914
The Washington Herald, July, 1915
Again more damage control from the same institutions that make money, distribute and regulate the mass slaughter of innocent children. The serial killer clearing his own name.
3 more innocent girls killed. No one held responsable. Health board taking it seriously now… Not really no. Empty words to calm down the population while they slaughter their children.
Evening Times Republican, Nov, 1915
I could show you 100 articles more of the exact same thing. Dead children by the thousands and remember, this is just 1 set of symptoms from the filthy practice of inoculation and vaccination. I’ll close off these first years of the 1900s with 3 articles telling us that at the time they also tried to hide the statistics. Even though it was all over the news on a daily basis. And people knew that vaccination didn’t even prevent smallpox. And again the germ-theory is completly wrong and it is provable. So it was just a million dollar mass murdering business like today. Today they hide it a bit better in all their indirect methods and accumulated data. And they changed from inoculation where it was a cut on the skin and you got rotten dirty pus from a cow smeared directly into the bloodstream. Today it is injections with dead tissue, toxic chemicals and metals into the muscle so that it is slowly released into the body. Less fatal but more symptoms and chronic conditions.
First one is an article I will keep posting because it is so important to the understanding of all this… That the germ-theory is wrong. That bacteria is NOT the cause of disease. If one understand that simple fact, then everything ells becomes obvious. That no vaccine ever prevented anything. How they just use the theory both as a scare tactic and to protect the vaccines. How vaccines never have and never will prevent anything, because thats not how living organisms work. How virology was created as a completly fictional indirect theoretical field. Again to protect the industry, the medicin and to create even more vaccines.
True biology and true science! The most insane thing is that these things are easily proven in laboratories but they are all run by the industry and institutions.
The Farmer, Sep, 1909
How logic is wasted on people in the medical field. Most of them are probably not the brightest minds like the articles also says. But on the top level ofcourse they know. They know the history aswell if not better than people like me and others who actually research and study the history. They have the money to do the research or deny research to be done. So they play dumb and take the conversation around in circles. They are murderers and war criminals. Vaccination have killed more people than all wars combined for sure and I’ll say it again. Never prevented a god damn thing!
New York Tribune, June, 1914
Deliberate fudging of statistics also happened then and now. Suppressing factual information and then just playing dumb to keep making money from mass murder. Holding meetings, setting up a committee to pretend to look at the problems. Creating massive amounts of data on indirect means. Constantly dragging things out and then just continue mass murder. All by design.
This was just to jump a few years ahead now because as you see there’s a lot of articles in the archives. What is weird about this is that almost nobody knows this today. Why do you think that is? Thousands of healthy innocent children killed for money and no schools tell us in history class. No medical schools teach it. No journalists investigate it. No politicians talk about it. It just happened and they wanted the world to forget all about it? I wouldn’t trust anyone talking about tetanus who couldn’t tell you this part of history.
Lets jump to 1917 because around that time another story about tetanus was published in the news.
Skagway Alaska, Sep 7, 1917
They wanted all soldiers vaccinated!
The Topeka State Journal, Nov, 1917
Lincoln County Times, Nov, 1917
German agents. Really? So the government doesn’t really know who they buy vaccines from to kill their own soldiers? Sounds plausible in a world where everyone is braindead. Ten soldiers dead and counting. This is the start of what they today call “The Spanish Flu”. Soldiers got all kinds of symptoms and most of them didn’t even leave the country. This article is about tetanus/lockjaw but soldiers were diagnosed with lots of different things. Meningitis and pneumonia also.
The Morgan County Press, Dec, 1917
There’s a war going on and now the medical institutions can start blaming the “enemy”. The vaccine industry and those who benefit from it are not bound by the fictional borders humans are bound by. So they can slaughter everyone on all sides of the propaganda without being held responsable for anything. Kill their own soldiers and also the soldiers of the so called enemy forces.
Morgan City LA, Dec 22, 1917
As you see the epidemic was various symptoms. Because they had a war raging so a lot of young men enlisted to join the army and they had forced vaccination programs for all the soldiers. So ofcourse theres gonna be a lot of different symptoms and deaths. Just like all the poor little children I’ve shown due to forced vaccination to go to school.
Anchorage Weekly Times, Aug, 1918
So all the German soldiers also got tetanus from vaccination. They said that german agents were selling impure vaccinations to the government in America. But the germans are also dying in large numbers.
Crazy thing is that in Australia they reported on the tetanus in the army in 1916. That over half the soldiers dying in the hospital were due to tetanus. Ofcourse theres no reports on how many of them didn’t get any battlewounds but just was vaccinated. So they better start working on vaccinations against tetanus (so vaccination to prevent poisoning of the blood, brain and nervous system mainly from vaccination. The insanity.
Sydney Morning Herald, Nov 22, 1916
Even after the slaughter of all the children and then all the soldiers we find more and more cases of tetanus after vaccination. But as I told you earlier then the numbers drop because they started changing the way they vaccinate. So it became an injection into the muscle instead of smearing dirty pus into the bloodstream. In this way, they have partially hidden the fact that vaccinations were the main cause of all these epidemics because most people today simply don't know. But now many children are suffering from all sorts of other symptoms and chronic conditions instead. They call it "normal childhood diseases" or chronic conditions they can sell drugs to keep at bay.
The National Daily, Sep, 1932
So they slaughtered a lot of innocent healthy children. They slaughtered a lot of soldiers who thought they were fighting for their nation against an enemy but were in fact mostly killed by their own health institutions. Then they create another vaccine to prevent vaccine murder (germs = fairy dust) and in 1992 WHO comes with a report on Fertility Regulating vaccines. Ofcourse they always make it sound like something a kind gesture because they are concerned about humanity and health in general. And of course only with the patient's consent, right?
In 2014 tested in various laboratories they found the fertility regulating hormone hCG in the tetanus vaccine where none should be present!
HCG Found in WHO Tetanus Vaccine in Kenya Raises Concern in the Developing World
But not only in Kenya
Tetanus vaccine may be laced with anti-fertility drug. International / developing countries
Targeting women in the reproductive age. In the West, we haven't heard much about it. But they are also the most indoctrinated people in the world. They are so blind in their trust in titles, authorities, TV and government that if the government tells them to stick a finger in their butt and suck it, they do it immediately. But many have problems getting pregnant and get help from the "health service" again. Again more money to the medical billionaires.
So tell me. Are you ready for your next tetanus shot?
Or ready to poison your children with something that doesn’t prevent anything but might damage them for life and sterilize them? Or are you ready to tell the authorities, the medical institutions, the FDA, the CDC, the WHO, GAVI, the doctor and everyone ells cooperating in keeping this madness going (The Media especially) to GO FUCK THEMSELVES?
Another excellent article!
Good job!